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Databases A-Z List

The current “Databases A-Z” page lists all of the library’s databases in one long list. We are going to be testing different ways of displaying the databases on this page to 1) make the page load faster and 2) offer multiple ways of accessing databases so that you can pick the easiest one for your situation.

Current ideas include the following:

  1. Keeping the search box at the top of the page and only displaying the databases that begin with A. You would then click on the appropriate letter to display databases that begin with letters other than A. You would also have the option of clicking on “ALL” to show all the databases.
  2. Same as #1 above except default to not showing any databases. You would then click on the appropriate letter to display databases that begin with the letter of your choosing.
  3. Same as #2 above but also include a way to search for databases by subject just like what is available on the library’s home page.

These 3 ideas are just examples of what we could do. If you would like to suggest something else, or place your vote for one of the ideas listed above, please comment on this post.