BYU Salt Lake Center Library

Library-Location-Item type combinations
Last updated: 21 January 2010
If you think a different combination is needed, please contact the HBLL Catalog Department. If you are cataloging for a library other than the BYU Salt Lake Center, do NOT use this chart. Use the chart appropriate to your library.

LibraryLocationItem typeDescriptionHoldings codeNotes
SL-CENTERAT_DESKDVDBYU Salt Lake Center library deskSL-DVD4-hour checkout ( Faculty 1 week)
SL-CENTERAT_DESKEQUIPCIRCBYU Salt Lake Center library desk6-hour checkout for all patron types; $1 per hour overdue fines
SL-CENTERAT_DESKEQUIPFACBYU Salt Lake Center library desk  Equipment circulates only to SL-Center faculty and staff; 1-week checkout
SL-CENTERAT_DESKVIDEO-4HRBYU Salt Lake Center library deskSL-VID4-hour checkout (Faculty 1 week)
SL-CENTERCANCELORDR  (shadowed location)
Used for materials that have been ordered, rejected prior to being cataloged and returned to vendor.  Record retained because of attached purchase order.
As appropriate to item
SL-CENTERDISCARD (shadowed location)
Catalogers: do not use
As appropriate to itemnonenone
SL-CENTERLOST (shadowed location)
Catalogers: do not use
As appropriate to itemnonenone
SL-CENTERMISSING (shadowed location)
Catalogers: do not use
As appropriate to itemnonenone
SL-CENTERON_SHELFBOOKBYU Salt Lake Center on library shelvesSL-BOOKPatron types and circ privileges to mirror BYU-Provo
SL-CENTERON_SHELFNON-CIRCSL-NONCIRCCurrently have 14 items in the collection using this combination.  Materials tend to be student manuals used for religion classes.  Housed in regular stacks, but not allowed to circulate without an override.
SL-CENTERON_SHELFPERIODICALSL-PERCurrently on 8 items have this designation; all have “SLANT SHELVES” in lieu of call number
SL-CENTERON_SHELF-JJUV-BOOKBYU Salt Lake Center on juvenile shelvesSL-JUVPatron types and circ privileges to mirror BYU-Provo
SL-CENTERON_SHELF-RREF-BOOKBYU Salt Lake Center on library reference shelvesSL-REF

(This is used only for faculty personal materials which are loaned to the library for reserve purposes.  Record is
temporary, minimal and should be deleted when item is returned
to faculty member.)

Note: this location is not currently being used.
SL-CENTERWITHDRAWN (shadowed location)

Used for
the last copy/call number of an item exiting the collection when
record must be retained because of attached purchase order(s).
As appropriate to item