Call Number Parsing

  1. Having determined where you wish to begin checking call numbers for parsing errors, issue the Display1 command.
  2. Tab to the call number box and key in the call number to the point determined optimum for detecting parsing errors. Type a $ to truncate.
    • Example: PS2649$ (Note correct parsing has a space between the PS and 2649)
      This will retrieve a list of records which have been incorrectly parsed.
  3. Click on the first title in the list.
  4. Issue the Display1 command and click OK on the first screen.
  5. Scroll to the volume and copy info. Click on the call number to be corrected.
  6. Issue the Edit Item command. Click OK on the first screen.
  7. Scroll to the Call Number Info box.
  8. Click the cursor at the point you wish to insert a space.
  9. Hit the space bar. This should insert a space in the appropriate place (It should NOT type over what was there.)
  10. Enter as many spaces as needed so that each significant element of the call number is properly parsed.
  11. When no more spaces are needed, Click OK to save your changes.
  12. Verify that the class scheme is correct. If necessary, change to reflect the appropriate call number classification system.
  13. Scroll down the page to the Spine Label and verify that the call number has been parsed correctly.
  14. Click Close to close as many windows as necessary to return to the list of incorrectly parsed call numbers.
  15. Click on the next record needing correction in the list and repeat the process until all items on the list have been corrected.
  16. Once you feel that all of the records in your list have been corrected, it is a good idea to close all of your windows and reissue the Display1 command. Truncate at the same point as you did originally. The correct response to your request should be the following message: This command cannot continue because: Item not found in the catalog.
  17. If desired, you can insert a space or spaces and resubmit your search to verify that the results of your call number search with correct parsing are displayed in the appropriate order.

Maintained by: John Wright

Last Updated: September 2002


Location / Hours

The Catalog Department is located on Level 6 of the Harold B. Lee Library. The Department is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.